亦境公司联合上海交通大学设计学院,在2019年全球众多作品中脱颖而出荣获2019年度英国国家景观奖(BALI National Landscape Awards)2项。
其中,上海交通大学蔷薇园设计获得本届的BALI国际奖(International Awards)。
↑ 现场区位图
↑ 项目总平面图
Integration of Campus Symbols
The scattered brick walls echo the form of historic buildings on the Xuhui Campus: The landscape wall with red bricks and white mortar unifies the campus architectural style. At the same time, the site’s interspersed high and low contours and embossed brick flowers form a rich display.
↑ 纯白的铁架是对英国传统园林的致敬
Research bases that
can increase species diversity
One of the bases for scientific research and teaching in the areas of landscape architecture, botany and horticulture. More than 50 species of Rosaceae plants and the creation of micro-environments have effectively enhanced the diversity of plant species and played an important role in establishing a multi-level system for the ecological protection.
Visit for leisure and entertainment
The vertical design integrates multi-functional requirements, creating private and semi-private communication spaces. This makes it a important campus social activity center to build trust and confidence among faculty and students. Moreover, the relatively isolated and quiet space provides them with a beautiful environment for leisure and entertainment.
↑ 它是上海交通大学优秀的名片,传递着学校的人文精神和记忆
An natural classroom for students in
surrounding elementary and middle schools
More than 50 species of Rosaceae plants are planted here. The rich plant species here thus make this an important outdoor class for related subject research, and for the observation of plant seasons, as well as for their recognition of flower varieties.
↑ 设计创造了一个开放、灵活使用的空间
A leisure destination for surrounding residents and foreign tourists
The completed Rose Garden has been well received by faculty, students and residents of surrounding communities. At present, it serves as an outstanding calling card for SJTU that conveys the institution's humanistic spirit and memory. In addition, it is not only an important place to build trust and confidence among faculty and students, but also is a new catalyst for the harmonious interaction between the campus and surrounding communities.
↑ 和谐互动的社交场所
A Model of Low-cost
Horticultural Landscape Construction
↑ 低成本造园的样板
Ecological Stormwater Management Measures
Collaboration with the Client and other Designers
In terms of soil improvement, plant selection, cultivation and planting, we cooperated with the Shanghai Botanical Gardenand relevant experts in the soil sciences and experts of Rosaceae plants to determine a low-cost saline-alkali soil improvement program. Finally, we selected about 50 species of plants to ensure a proper ornamental effect and to guarantee the later maintenance of the Rose Garden.
↑ 肥沃的土壤,有机质适合蔷薇科植物的生长
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